Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hello Kitty Tokidoki Plushies Collection

My Hello Kitty x Tokidoki stuffs have been lying in the store, squashed and buried for the longest time! And i have always wanted to pack them for the longest time! Seeing the great Tokidoki stuffs at the Three Apples event finally made me get my lazy butt up and get to it and do some justice to my poor neglected Tokidoki plushies. So here is my entire collection right now. And latest addition ... New Tokidoki plush from Three Apples USA!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Momoberry Nov 2009

Oh how soon this time, Momoberry launches yet another Momoberry plushie! Yea, i love her!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello Kitty Stationery Gifts from Sis from USA!

My sister brings me cute Hello Kitty stuffs from around the world whenever she flies for her work. I am so grateful and blessed! This time, she brought me goodies from USA!! Yea!!

The Sanrio USA series are not commonly launched in Japan and Singapore, making them rather rare collections for Asian Hello Kitty fans!

And below is my point card prized redeemed from Sanrio Singapore, calendar in a puzzle block format, how cute is that?! I added the keychain mascots myself, heehee >.@

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Momoberry Oct 2009

This is courtesy of hubby's! And its finally a BIG accomplishment for him to finally know what is a Vivitix store and what is a Momoberry doll, hahahahaha =D

Her head can acutally turn 360 degrees, hahaha

Close up of her rather 60's dress

I love her bum, signature of Momoberry!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sanrio & Friends Fiesta at Takashimaya Singapore 16-28 Oct 09

The Sanrio Fiesta started today! It was a mad rush in the morning as everyone stooped and scurried under the store's electronic gates while it slowly ascended to open! And then everyone ran towards shelves and cabinets of limited edition Vivitix items! Within less than 30mins, everything cute stuff available were all grabbed up! What follows were hordes of shoppers all with their shopping baskets full. Some even had no shopping baskets! And queues at the cashiers took eternity!

But anyhow, i was glad to grab quite a bit of good stuffs! Here's a preview of what i ended up bagging home! Luckily hubby was there to help with the bags and drove me around! And he was in a good mood so i could make a 2nd and 3rd rounds at the fair after lunch!

Ok time to feature *SOME* my loots! Hahaha .. Hmm, i shall start with the Vivitix series ..

Vivitix Bag ~ i love the gold/black combination, the patent and the quilted effect and the gold crest!

Crown series cellphone holder and mascot mirror ~ i had the mascot (top sitting one) when i was in Tokyo earlier this year but just didnt buy the cellphone holder and mascot mirror back then, what was i thinking of, geez ..

Aha! Now they are a complete set! This series also has cushion and pouches but these 3 items are the cutest!

Vivitix Aug New Release ~ The left hand side leopard print mirror mascot is Aug's new release in Japan. I didnt manage to get it then. Thank goodness i got it this time. I want it to match my leopard mascot keychain on the right which i got from Tokyo earlier this year. Now they are a perfect match! Heehee, the leopard print mirror mascot also come in black/pink combination!

Next, below is a musical box! I was eyeing it the whole morning at the fair but it was pricey so i hesitated. But when i went back to make another round in the afternoon and this time, hb was with me, he whipped out $100 when i said i wanted it in a very 'coaxing' manner. Of course, i quickly grabbed the cash and paid for it, hahaha! Must be fast in this aspect!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello Kitty accumulated ...

Have i been shopping enough? Heehee, these are loots for the month of Sep!

Loving handphone charm gift from hubby, heehee >.<

35 Years Anniversary for Hello Kitty, yes, she is 35 years old, older than me!! Hahaha ... There are various colours for this series but i like Red which symbolises Friendship!

This is the Dreamy Cuddly Bedroom series. I didnt get all of the items but only this tea set which really captivates me. Would you care to come for tea sometime? Heehee

This is another of the "I love Hello Kitty" series. I didnt get the whole set too, just these Sake set and some miscellenous pouch and toiletries. And oh yes, the really flurry and cuddly plush! I love her! >.<

Ahh ... this is the Tartan series, classic check design never dies!

This pink strawbeary plush is the mascot for this year's Breast Cancer event in Japan. Every year, its different. What a good cause to get this one, dont you think? >.@

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Kitty Tokidoki Boston bag autographed by Simone Legano!

At this year's Toy and Comics Convention held in Singapore, italian designer for my favourite Tokidoki brand autographs his range fo Tokidoki merchandises for his passionate fans! Look, he's autographing my bag!! Hurray!!

And this is the completed masterpiece!

I am so excited to own this one! >.<

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello Kitty accumulated ...

Here i share *SOME* of the loots i have gotten my hands on in the past 8 months. There are more in my luggages and rooms that are not yet unpacked and more on the way from Japan!

Momoberry Bohemian plush from Vivitix Ike

Shokotan plush from Akiba

H.Naoto plushies from Harajuku

Quolomo plushies from La Foret Harajuku, at 50% OFF!!! >.<

Gloomy Bear plush from Kaiju in Shinjuku, you can also get them in Ginza

Shinjuku and Roppongi sisters from Vivitix Odaiba

Yea! Hello Kitty x Popteen lollipop cum accessories cases!

Edwin plushies and mirror from Edwin Shibuya

Popteen plush from Akiba!

Walking and Talking robot from Akiba

Momoeri is the top mama model in Japan. She used to be a hostess, then married, and gave birth to her son. But 5 years ago she divorced from her husband to become a single mother. She is only 27-year-old successful charismatic mama model (it’s called “mamamo” with abbreviation) who is as famous as a cover girl to “mama” magazine. Besides, she established an on-line shop of her own. She is a CEO to her company who is also engaged in new product plan. The pink sandals for home usage is from her idea.

From May, Momoeri collaborates with Sanrio, releasing the awesome and exclusive Hello Kitty plushies!!! I have to get mine and i am lucky i got her from the Odaiba flagship store! There are only a 100 pieces made of her across Japan! Wow ...

Ist she lovely?? Priceless collection! >.<

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello Kitty Mcdonalds Japan

In Japan, Mcdonalds launches the Hello Kitty apple capsule toys with each Happy Set. The toys are launched by weeks. Each week a few designs are released in foiled bags. There are 36 designs in total. Can you imagine at what lengths i have to go to to get all 36? But yes, i still gotta have them anyway ... hahaha >.<

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello Kitty jigsaw puzzles and toys

Who says toys are only for little gals?! Afterall there is a kid in all of us!

More die cuts, i love die cuts!!

Bought more die cut stationery. You may wonder havent you seen this in my earlier posts? Well, those were red polka dots series, these are pink! I just gotta to have them both, wont you agree? Hee .. Loved the stamp set on the right too. It actually stamps Hiragana!

Also bought these from Kinokuniya at a steal!!

Below is a greeting card for school going children who are starting their new school term. Japanese do observe this as a special and meaning occassion.

And this Hello Kitty plush with calendar is such a steal, at 50% off!! I just gotta to have it!! A pity there arent more designs.